Plummy is a restaurant guide for authentic asian food. User can explore restaurant reports, save interested articles and associated restaurant for later review. User can also see saved restaurants on map together with their current location.

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Feeds to explore

New article will be posted on the server, user can explore a full list of articles on the Feeds Tab. Once tap on any article cell, a detail article view will be presented, user can save or share this article here.

Near by Restaurants

User will have a list of saved restaurants here, along with default search result (also a restaurant list) return by yelp API. User can open MapView to see current location and saved restaurants pin on map. Tap list cell or pin callout view will direct user to associated restaurant yelp page.

User Account

User can sign-up/login, reset password and change app setting here. All saved articles and places will be find in collections view, and user can remove any one from saved list.